What positive habits do you want to instil in your children? Saying “please” and “thank you”? Making their own beds? Getting plenty of physical exercises? Reading more and watching screens less?
Well, these are important!! But children’s dental care in Willetton is equally important!
Creating a foundation of oral health in children starts surprisingly early and involves more than just regular brushing. When you teach your kids about caring for their teeth and gums at a young age, you are instilling healthy oral habits in your children which they will keep for the rest of their life.
At Bull Creek Dental, our dentists and staff are taking this opportunity to share pediatric dentistry tips in Willetton and raise awareness of children’s dental care at an early age.
7 Proven Dental Tips for Parents Willetton
The benefits of children’s dental care are many and meaningful. Strong teeth and gums are essential for a child’s ability to eat and communicate properly. Good oral hygiene leads to a confident smile, which can positively impact social interactions and self-esteem. These are some of the proven tips for good oral health for kids in Willetton:
Start Early and Encourage Good Dental Habits
Children’s dental care should start when the child is still at a tender age. It is advised to take your child to the dentist for their first check-up either when their first tooth grows in or by their first birthday. Even a tiny baby can get cavities. This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to gain knowledge about children’s dental care and discuss any concerns with experts.
The ADA offers dental care recommendations based on different age groups:
Age 6 and Younger: Introduce them to brushing. Let them brush their own teeth and jump in whenever necessary.
Age 7 to 12: Children between these ages are capable of brushing their own teeth. You should make sure the job is done properly and encourage brushing and flossing on a daily basis.
Age 13 to 18: Very crucial time for dental care, and this is the prime time when children are likely to develop cavities. Don’t let your teenagers slack off with their dental hygiene.
Important Read: Kid Dentistry Mount Pleasant: Is 10 cavities a lot?
Protect Tiny Teeth
Baby teeth typically start growing between six months and a year and most children have fully developed by age three. When the first teeth appear, the baby’s gum becomes tender and swollen. Gently massaging the gums with a damp cloth can help ease the discomfort. If your baby appears to be in severe discomfort, it’s important to consult a pediatric dentist.
It’s a common misconception that one doesn’t need to think much about baby teeth as they will fall out. But this is further from the truth. It’s crucial to start oral care early. The Australian Dental Association recommends that parents should wipe a baby’s gums with a wet washcloth when their babies are just a few days old.
Limit Sugar And Acidic Drinks
Sugar and acidic drinks break down the teeth’ enamel, cause cavities and lead to stains. Though you can’t completely remove sugary liquids but, you can at least limit it. To keep up with good children’s dental care, it is important that you track their treats before bed,
Teach your children that having treats is fine as long they have them in moderation. Also, it is important for them to wash their mouth after every treat.
Encourage To Brush Teeth Twice a Day and Use Floss Once a Day.
Willetton family dentist always recommends getting your children to brush their teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and before bed, using toothpaste rich in fluoride. Only a small smear of fluoride toothpaste, similar to a rice grain, is needed for your baby’s first teeth. When your child turns three, increase the amount to a pea-sized dollop. For older kids, use a small amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush.
Teach your children how to brush properly and let them brush their own teeth once a day to develop their dexterity. Keep a watch while they are brushing up to the age of 8 and once you’re confident. Ensure they brush their teeth for a full two minutes.
Flossing is equally important to get rid of the plaque between and along and under the gum where you cannot use a toothbrush. They can floss anytime, but it will be good if they do it before bed to get rid of all the bacteria, plague and food buildup throughout the day.
Set Good Example by Caring For Your Own Teeth
To encourage good oral health for kids in Willetton, you have to set an example for your children.To encourage regular brushing and flossing, children should see their parents doing it consistently.
Make Oral Hygiene Fun
Children are more likely to stick to a habit when you make it fun for them. For kids, dental care should be enjoyable, not a chore! Let them choose toothbrushes with their favourite characters and toothpaste with fun flavour. Sing and dance while brushing and flossing together. Turn teeth cleaning into a game by using sticker charts to reward good habits.
When Should You Start Brushing Your Child’s Gums?
Initiating your child’s oral care routine early is essential.
- Beginning before the tooth emerges: For infants, use soft, slip-on clothes to clean the area around the gum. This will keep their mouth clean and will get them used to the sensation of oral care.
- Introduce a routine early: Introducing your child to oral care early sets a lifelong habit among them.
Book Your Appointment With Willetton Family Dentist That You And Your Kids Will Love
Creating a positive dental experience for your child starts at home. With children’s dental care, patience is key. Also, visiting experienced pediatric dentists regularly fosters good dental hygiene among children. Making brushing and flossing fun, combined with regular check-ups, can set them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. For expert dental care for your entire family, consider Bull Creek Dental. Our experienced team and child-friendly approach make us the perfect choice for families seeking a dentist they can trust. Book your appointment today and start building a foundation for a healthier smile.